Chicken Vodka Parm Recipe

A Chicken Vodka Parmesan sandwich hits the spot like none other. Especially when everything is done perfectly, the flavor on this sandwich just makes you want to kiss the sky. One of my favorites. Hope you enjoy! 

Serving Size: 4 sandwiches 




Sandwich Ingredients 

  1. Fresh Mozzarella 
  2. 2 loafs of bread (Italian, French, whatever you like) 

Chicken Breading Ingredients 

  1. 2 pieces of thick chicken breast 
  2. 3 eggs 
  3. 2 cups of Italian style panko breadcrumbs 
  4. 2.5 cups of flour 
  5. 1/4 cup of parmesan 
  6. 1 tbsp garlic powder 
  7. 1 tbsp onion powder 
  8. 1 tbsp paprika 
  9. 1 tbsp Italian seasoning  
  10. 1 tsp black pepper 
  11. 4 tbsp Olive Oil 
  12. 2 tbsp butter 

Vodka Sauce Ingredients 

  1. 1 can of San Marzano Tomatoes 
  2. 3/4 - 1 cup Parmesan  
  3. 5 garlic cloves 
  4. 2 shallots
  5. 1/4 pound of Prosciutto 
  6. 3.5 tbsp vodka 
  7. 2 tsp red pepper flakes 
  8. 2 stems of basil (about 6 leaves) 
  9. 3/4 cup heavy cream 
  10. 2 tbsp butter 
  11. 2-3 tbsp olive oil 
  12. 1 tsp black pepper 



  1. Cut your chicken breast in half and use a meat mallet to beat your chicken until thin. If you don't have a meat mallet, you can use a roller or even a wine bottle. Don't hit it too hard to make sure the wine bottle doesn't break. 
  2. In a bowl, add in 3 eggs and 1tbsp of cold water and mix. Add a pinch of salt into the egg mixture. 
  3. In a separate bowl, add in flour. 
  4. In a 3rd bowl, add in breadcrumbs, 1/4 cup of parmesan, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, Italian seasoning, pinch of salt, and black pepper.
  5. Take your chicken and dip it into the egg mixture, then the flour, then lastly the breadcrumbs. 
  6. Bring a pan to a medium-low flame and add in a generous amount of olive oil. There should be enough to cover the pan for a small pool to pan fry the chicken. About 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. 
  7. Puree the can of tomatoes.
  8. In a new pan with high edges on a medium-low flame, heat up the olive oil and add in the prosciutto. 
  9. When the prosciutto starts to get slightly golden, add in the shallots and basil and sauté for about 1-2 minutes until shallots are translucent. 
  10. Add in the garlic and red pepper flakes and cook until slightly golden and fragrant. About 2 minutes. 
  11. Deglaze with vodka. Simmer for about 3-4 minutes until the alcohol smell is gone. 
  12. Add in the tomato puree and simmer for about 20 minutes. The liquid from the tomatoes should be mostly gone to where you can separate the sauce and it won't shift back together. 
  13. Add in your heavy cream and simmer for about 3-4 minutes or until sauce is combined well. 
  14. Turn the flame off and add in 3/4 cup parmesan and whisk/mix until sauce is combined. Taste. If you need more parmesan, add in up to an extra 1/4 cup or until the parmesan taste comes through. *
  15. Add in 2 tbsp of butter and mix. 
  16. salt and black pepper to taste. I usually add close to 1 tbsp of salt and a few pinches of pepper. But make sure to add gradually to make sure you do not oversalt.** 
  17. Lightly toast your bread.
  18. Get an oven safe dish and place your chicken down, add sauce on top of it, add in a few pieces of fresh mozzarella cheese, salt and pepper the top. 
  19. Turn the oven on low broil and broil your chicken until the cheese is fully melted and browned. 
  20. Place chicken onto the bread and enjoy! 



*At step 14 when you are adding in the parmesan, don't over add the cheese here. Go up to a cup. The reason why you might not be tasting it is because we have not added salt yet. I add the salt at the end because the cheese, prosciutto, and butter do have a lot of salt in it and we do risk over salting. 

** I add the salt and pepper at the end of the sauce recipe just so we can fix the sauce without the chance of over salting. The black pepper does add a nice flavor as well. 

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Good food keep up the good work and feeding ppl

Shaundalyn Holmes

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